Dynamic Document Review is the system that iGear and similar censorware products use to determine whether dynamicly generated webpages are kosher or not. Rather than going straight to you computer, the software looks through the page and tries to find any good reason to block it out. Basically it looks for bad words, suggestive language, and any file names that don't seem right. For every instance of a bad word, it gives points. F--- is so many points, Damn is fewer points, etc. Once a page has 50 points, it stops loading and prints

The requested document, http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2001-01-17, will not be shown.

Reason: DDR -- 52.

Also, it censors words, like where it says f--- in the last sentence- that's because I'm doing this at school. (for some reason, it only censors every few instances. Watch: f--- fuck fuck f--- f--- fuck f---)

The censorship seems often to be excessive. Here's a list of things on E2 that give a DDR restriction:

This isn't a complete list, of course, just several things that I pulled up randomly while composing this writeup. Much, much more is blocked out.

I wouldn't mind so much, except that when your account accumulates more than 500 points in a certain amount of time it locks your account and you have to explain to your computer lab teacher what XP pack rape is.