WaterField Designs, located at sfbags.com, is a company that makes high quality messenger bags, laptop bags, and the like. Their products are among the highest quality that I have seen: I own several of their laptop bags, and they include very cool features like neoprene linings to protect the surfaces on the computers, in addition to high contrast linings on the accessory pockets to permit easy visibility of the contents of the bags. The shoulder strap on many of their bags is constructed in such a way that it will stretch along the middle portion (Where it rests on your shoulder) in order to reduce the stress of having your bag repeatedly pulling down on you as you walk from place to place.
WaterField products are all designed and constructed in the US, which is a definite plus for those who try to avoid cheap Chinese junk, though it raises the cost of their bags considerably. Their customer service is excellent, and on the only occasion I have had to deal with them, they recognized my order without looking it up in the computer as soon as I gave them my name. Gary, the gentleman who runs the company, takes customer service very seriously, though I doubt he will be able to pull names off the top of his head if his company grows into a giant multinational or somesuch.