Atomic Symbol Uuq
Atomic Number 114
Atomic Weight 285
presumably a solid at 298 K
Color unknown, but probably metallic and silvery white or grey in appearance

Ununquadium is a synthetic element that is not present in the environment. Isolation of an observable quantity of ununquadium has never been achieved, and thus ununquadium has no known uses. The reactivity of ununquadium is unknown, but is assumed to be similar to lead and tin.

Ununquadium was first synthesized in December of 1998 at the Nuclear Institute in Dubna, Russia, producing only one atom of ununquadium via:
Plutonium(244) + Calcium(48) = Ununquadium(288) + 4 neutrons
Plutonium(244) + Calcium(48) = Ununquadium(289) + 3 neutrons

Ununquadium is produced from the breakdown of Ununhexium:
Ununhexium(289) = Ununquadium(285) + Helium(4)

Ununquadium breaks down into Ununbium:
Ununquadium(285) = Ununbium(281) + Helium(4)

No name has yet been suggested for element 114, which is therefore called ununquadium, from the Latin roots un for one, and quad for four under a convention for neutral temporary names proposed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in 1980.

ununtrium <-- ununquadium --> ununpentium