Hey, you are doing it the way that is not funny. This is the funny way, a bit more complex but much more entertaining.

Phase 1

Purchase for a small sum of money (or get it copied by a friend) a CD named "Red Hat" or "Debian". This is your $5 paperclip removing tool.
Boot the machine with that. Follow instructions, and then go to have lunch. During this time, the dude with the red hat will look for every single little paperclip that may be hiding somewhere in your system.
When he is done, take out the CD (very important) and reboot the system. No more paperclip.

Phase 2

In order to be very thorough (and you should be, that paperclip is serious stuff), you should take your Office Installation CD, and go on the banks of a very wide river, or on a sea shore, or on a boat. Take along a 12 gauge shotgun (10 gauge would be probably too much), and a friend.
Cry "Pull !". Your friend will throw the Office Installation CD high into the air, and this is your chance to blast it to smithereens. You see, the paperclip's deep lair is right into that innocent looking silver disc.
Remember to give some lead. In the case you did not hit it, it will sink into the waters for ever more.
Notice that is considered bad sportsmanship to just set the CD on a brick in your backyard and execute it.

Baffo, why do you hate the paperclip so much ?

Ah, this is personal trauma. I am a paperclip survivor. I was at -4 days from thesis delivery day, working on the indices on a machine that had Windows NT Workstation and Office installed. A new machine. No other software.
When the thesis file got to about 120 pages, the paperclip started helpfully saying something like "Who knows, your file may be damaged, you should be saving it under a different name, just in case, he he he."
The file was not damaged in fact, but the thing got on my nerves to no end: I mean, a new computer running the fscking operating system made by the guys that made the bloody application, and it hits the wall at 120 pages ?
My idea of software development is that you first solve things like data integrity, and then fuck around with dumbass paperclips.