The name Cuauhtémoc (that means something like "falling eagle") is still currently used a first name in Mexico.
The Aztec prince is one of the national heroes of Mexico; one large delegación of Mexico City is named after him, and an impressive story about him is told to children in Mexican schools:

Cuauhtémoc was being tortured together with another Aztec noble. The man found the pain unbearable, and asked the prince to speak and end his torment. In that moment the Spaniards were burning Cuauhtémoc's feet, and he said "Do you think that I am enjoying a bath, or that I am laying on a bed of roses?".
The man, shamed, kept his silence

One famos Cuauhtémoc in contemporary Mexico is Cuauhtémoc Càrdenas, son of Lazaro Càrdenas and more than once leftist candidate to the presidence of Mexico.
He lost the last elections to Vicente Fox.