Italian playwright, born in 1926, is San Giano, creator of 'A Poke in the Eye' (co-writer 1953), 'Mistero Buffo' (1969), 'Accidental Death of an Anarchist' (1970), 'People's War in Chile' (1973), 'Can't Pay? Won't pay!' (1974), 'Tale of a Tiger'(1977), 'Trumpets and Raspberries' (1981), 'Abducting Diana' (1986), and 'Free Marino! Marino is Innocent!' (1998). In 1997, he won the Nobel Prize for literature.

Fo's plays are usually very funny, and highly political too. ('Accidental Death of an Anarchist', for example, is, at least partly, a criticism of the Italian police following the death of Pinelli.)