The 5S system was developed by
Toyota. 5S was initially created too eliminate waste of
time and materials in both manufacturing and production for the
automotive industry.
5S goes as follows:
Seiri - keep only what is absolutely necessary, get rid of things that you don't need, i.e.
Seiton - create a
location for everything, i.e.
Seiso - clean everything and keep it clean, i.e.
Seiketsu - implement Seiri, Seiton and Seiso plant wide, i.e.
Shitsuke - assure that everyone continues to follow the rules of 5S, i.e.
stick to it
In the manufacturing plant my father runs, 5S is almost a religion. Squares are taped off and labeled on the floor of the building to indicate where everything goes, including the trash cans. This emphasis on organization and cleanliness spawns lower error per part made, which obviously reduces overall
cost, as well as a significant rise in the level of
effective time management, to the same end.