The following rainbowy propositions are those of Doug Renselle and his system of quantonics and are not necessarily the opinions of the noder.

Quantonics is a proposed science and structure of reasoning based on the quanton, a proposed smallest unit intended to involve both the physical and metaphysical realm. The inventor of quantonics is Doug Renselle. He admits the work of Robert Pirsig (which is mostly literature) is his inspiration for quantonics. Pirsig wrote the now famous Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Lila. These books inspired a branch of metaphysics called the Metaphysics of Quality (MoQ) that deal with the problem of the inability to quantify goodness or things that are good (had they not heard of serotonin?)

Doug blames the current unified theory standstill in physics on what he calls SOMite thinking. SOM stands for subject-object metaphysics and is Doug's tag for the underlying reasoning behind all modern science such as physics and mathematics. Doug insists subject-object metaphysics is a "classical suppositional logic that denies quantum-sentient special event ontologies of: choices, chances, and changes at all scales of reality." Here, Doug uses the word quantum, which is not to be confused with quanton. Quantum logic branches from the strange behavior of matter at the quantum subatomic level. For example, when a photon travels from Point A to Point B and is given two paths to reach the destination, through Slot C or Slot D, it will in fact travel through both slots. Doug believes this behavior defies standard logic and requires a new way of thinking:

Given C, D

C → ~D

Hence,  ~D /\ D   (That the particle went through Slot D is true and false at the same time.)

One finds this sort of logic at the foundation of quantum computation: Qubits can be used to represent a 0 and a 1 at the same time.

Here are some of Doug's claims against subject-object metaphysics:

Western culture carries SOM's classical legacy baggage . Those who adhere SOM are stuck in its mind-lock. SOM is seductive due to its apparent simplicity. SOM is easy to intuit. SOM offers duality with efficient, biformal exigencies of survival. SOM is compatible with a primal survival method of thinking.

 SOM denies any unknown as part of reality. (In our opinion, this is SOM's dominant fault.) SOM, and its classical science kin, abdicate responsibility for a philosophy of reality. SOM concludes — since it cannot classify reality — reality must not exist. SOM insists reality must be objective and substantial so things not substantial are 'subjective' and inaccessible from a perspective of truth.

SOM declares its classical objects "Newtonian." SOMites describe Newtonian objects as analytic functions of time, and use space as a proxy for time; i.e., SOMites view time as Dspace/space. As a result, time becomes a decoherent classical concept which has n¤ 'independent' definition or radically mechanical semantic of its own. Analytic functions are continuous. MoQ/quantum reality is discontinuous, quantized. Thus, we see SOM as clearly incapable of representing reality 'objectively.'

As you can see, Doug uses strange letters and spellings of words which he claims will help move the English language away from classical subject-object metaphysics. For example, he uses the word instead of no to infer more of a quantum co-mingling between the clauses as opposed to a classical negation.

Quantonics is a very complex and confusing system and I do not claim to be able to understand it all much less be able to explain it all here. For more information, go to