Carl Friedrich Nägelsbach (1806-1859), German classical scholar, was born at Wöhrd near Nuremberg on 28 March 1806. After studying at Erlangen and Berlin, in 1827 he accepted an appointment at the Nuremberg gymnasium, and was a professor of classics at Erlangen from 1842 until his death on 21 April 1859. Nägelsbach is chiefly known for his excellent Lateinische Stilistik (1846). Two other important works by him are Die Homerische Theologie (1840) and Die Nachhomerische Theologie (1857).

From the eleventh edition of The Encyclopedia, 1911. Public domain. The name of the encyclopedia is still a registered trademark, and is therefore not listed here. Some spellings have been changed to reflect the times (and link better) and some editing has been done, for the sake of clarity.