Spoke with my girlfriend this evening, and she was telling me about how everyone was on pins and needles at the daycare where she worked. Apparently, some psycho threatened to shoot people for some odd reason. I don't have all the details, so I won't share them here. Being that she and I are separated by a lot of real estate and that my money disappears quickly, I can't go to where she lives and see her. It seems that everytime I want to put some money aside, something comes along and eats up whatever amount you want to put aside.

I also realized that I need more business cards for my business. I ran out of cards last week, and only have my flyers with my contact info printed on them to hand out to prospects. I hope there's a printer that can do a small quantity of cards before Friday. It sucks when you are just out of college, and people don't want to pay you more than peanuts for your time at a job. I think it's worse when you also have a business that is also holding its own and you are strapped for time in looking for ways to increase the profitability. I know it can be done, and it will require some creative thinking on my part to do it.