Hietzing is the 13th district of Vienna. It is located in the west of Vienna, just north of Liesing, south of Penzing

Hietzing is considered one of the more expensive to live in (and thus upper class) districts. In the north of it (the more inner-city-part) most buildings are old two to three story houses. Getting farther away from the city, this changes into small houses with a garden.

The Lainzer Tiergarten takes up about a third of the whole district in the west. It is mostly woods and was one of the hunting grounds for the austrian royalty. On the other side of the district is Schönbrunn, a royal garden which includes Schloss Schönbrunn, a royal palace and one of the main tourist attractions of Vienna, and the Schönbrunner Tiergarten, one of the oldest zoos of Europe. In the Rosenhügelstudios, which are also located in Hietzing, some of the older Austrian films were produced.