online traffic school is a good thing. not only do i not have to spend my weekend in a classroom with creepy people, but it gives me something to do from 1-3 am, when i'm not sleeping anyway.

once again: if you like it, steal it.

Clearing my head,
a penny for my thoughts
A penny here-
A penny there.
Is that all they are worth?

You wouldn’t pick up a penny,
as you walk down the street-
but if my thoughts were in the gutter,
would you bend down to pick up me?

a penny for my thoughts
A penny here-
A penny there.
Is that all they are worth?

Wipe me clean and stick me in your pocket.
Would you keep my thoughts on hand,
Or toss them in a well?

a penny for my thoughts
A penny here-
A penny there.
Is that all they are worth?

Get rich and marry a model,
Drive a fancy car and live in L.A.
With one penny all your dreams could come true.
A penny for my thoughts you ask,
But can you really spare the change?

to the public I must appear to be extremely bitter and resentful...but I'm not-I swear, maybe it's because I write it all out of me...

last night i took the time to tell someone how special they were to me and how lucky i am to have them in my life. this was a really big step for me because he has told me that he has the same feelings toward me, but i have never really been able to verbalize these feelings to him. i guess i realized how important it is to make sure that people know you love them. His response to my heart-felt admition, "you're silly."...I will never understand men...(I apologize for the over-use of elipses, but they fill in where words can't)