Inage ku (ward) is a suburb of Chiba shi (city) which is the capital of the whole Chiba ken (prefecture) which is just a suburb of the mighty Tokyo to (real capital). Like most small trainstop towns, a good third of all the lights in the area are concentrated around the station itself, where you can enjoy karaoke, billiards, bowling, arcade games, izakaya (pubs), the ubiquitous Nova, (there's one in front of almost every single train station in Japan,) as well as some seedier things like Pachinko parlors, massage parlors, and a donut shop. Like any other good station, there is a nice bakery in the immediate vicinity, and a First Kitchen, (which is their answer to McDonalds) There are also a lot of street stalls selling things like koroke, (breaded fried meaty or bready things,) yakitori, (chicken on a stick,) and maybe some bento if you look for it.

Inage also happens to be the Chiba University Kokusai Kouryuu-kan (Hall of international exchange) which is a dormitory where foreign students are allowed to live for up to one year. Right next to that there is a park, which may or may not be called Konakadai park, which is just a big space of sand.

There's also a decent SATY department store/shopping mall in the area, an Evergreen supermarket, the smaller but much friendlier Fre'c, and of course Inage is not far from Nishi Chiba where you can find Chiba University itself.

In the neighborhood there is at least one Tsutaya, a Shirokiya, and a Dominos Pizza.