The Freecycle™ Network was started in May 2003 to promote waste reduction in Tucson's downtown and help save desert landscape from being taken over by landfills. The Network provides individuals and non-profits an electronic forum to "recycle" unwanted items. One person's trash can truly be another's treasure!

Eventually Freecycle groups were popping up all across the world. Groups are based on location, usually a city or other geographical area. The whole thing runs off Yahoo! Groups. People post things as offered, wanted, taken, promised, ect.

The kinds of things commonly offered by people are furniture, computer parts, speakers, clothing, and kids stuff.

Things commonly requested on freecycle really vary. You're supposed to offer something for free before requesting something for free but about once a week someone posts something like "i just moved into an apartment and i need a bed, couch, desk, kitchen table, chairs, doormat, ...". Things like this really irk me. One day I thought I'd write a little satire wanted post. It follows:

I am in need of the following things:

A house
A double decker bus (the kind they have in London)
Country club membership
Giraffe (male or female, I'm not picky)
Diamonds, gold, silver, jewelry, rubies, precious gems
Exotic psychedelics (mescaline, 2c-b, 4-ho-det, ect.)
Commodities futures (oil, pork bellies, anything)
Yatchs or speedboats (jetskis also accepted)
Car (luxery sedan, station wagon, doesn't matter)
Shrunken heads (I don't mean conservatives, I mean the kind you get in Peru)
Heavy farm machinery (working only, please)
Rare books and documents
Roofing shingles
If anyone has any of these, please don't hesitate to email me. I know I should have posted an OFFER first but I thought I'd make a little exception for myself. It's not like anyone's keeping track, anyways. PEACE! And thank you so much! Scott

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