Hit just now with a wave of depression as I sit here at a dark desk deep in thought and condition.

Passing slowly through into the year 2014, another done and gone.

I guess this is how many feel through the pursuing lives that we hope are worthwhile but in the end amount to little- mere specs on a grand spectrum too vast to indulge or include us as anything of any real value. And yet there's plenty to be thankful for along on the way, at least on my end. Crowds of friends gathered to congratulate us on our engagement; proposals made, weddings to plan. Guesses to be questioned in pursuit of oft futile answers. More questions just to drown out fears of getting older, growing painfully aware of many others. Trying desperately to grasp at the open air rushing by through open windows. Fleeting lives lost in the fray, others still swimming through the torrential torrents of commitments, contributions and court dates. Worthy or not our demands and constructs construe dreams and realities for yet another year, so here we go.