An interesting piece of real estate located underneath the island nation of England, somewhere between Folly Bridge and Godstow, Oxford. The entrance is a rabbit hole somewhere along the banks of the Thames River, quite near St. Margaret's Church.

Upon entering this rabbit hole, a visitor will find themselves falling for many feet past various household items, then land a bit suddenly, if not uncomfortably, upon some sticks and dried-up leaves. A long, narrow passage leads to a low hall lit by hanging lamps containing many doors. Visitors are advised to chose wisely, mainly a small door covered by a rich, velvety curtain. if one is larger than say a white rabbit in a waistcoat, then said door can be problematic.
There are various food and drink and a key located on a glass table next to the aforementioned door. Please be advised, that food and drink in Wonderland can cause growing and/or shrinking at random, proceed with caution.

The ruling hierarchy of Wonderland is The King and Queen of Hearts, with power truly lying in the Queen. She has a penchant for beheading, though her commands are rarely carried out. Their Royal Sport is an interesting version of croquet played with live flamingoes and hedgehogs, which makes the game somewhat challenging.
There are many places of interest in Wonderland that merit a visit:

One may also happen upon various wildlife refuges located in Wonderland. The fauna that reside here are quite queer in the fact that they speak english, except for a few mice who speak french. Visitors can marvel at the various dogs, lizards, crabs, guinea pigs, march hares, dormice with a passion for treacle, many birds including ducks, dodos (believed extinct), lories, pigeons, eaglets and flamingoes. A cheshire cat resides in a tree, notable for his clever remarks and ability to become invisible, leaving behind a spectacular grin floating in the air.

Should one become lost, Wonderland's visitor centre is located in The Wood, manned by a knowledgable caterpillar smoking a hookah. His information is extremely valuable and he will surely help any in need.