Sometimes I sit down and I forget how huge a geek I am.

I guess that spending most of the past few years engaging in graphic/web design instead of programming led me to see myself as more of an "Electronic Artist" than a programming nerd (which I spent a good amount of my early childhood being, with the help of my father, who had learned BASIC as part of his Electrical Engineering degree sometime before Compsci was offered at his college). And then, yesterday, I picked up PHP Essentials, the book that had been sitting on my shelf for almost a year, untouched since I bought it on an improptu trip to Border's..

So here I am again, with my keyboard and monitor turned 90 degrees on my desk, so that I have room to put down the book in front of the keyboard. Copying examples out of the book, trying this and that, spending more time debugging than it took to write the damn thing...

And the sort of rush that I guess only some people can understand, when you can finally say: "I know how to write a script to handle a feedback form!"...

And the same sort of rush when you realize how excited you got over a really simple thing to do.