Movement is important of course. The way a woman slides in out of chairs, her gait and the way her arms stretch out car windows. I mean, she has to stretch her arm out of cars to grasp all that air racing by, it's a must.

Comfort is also a good thing. Not the way that clothes fit her, but the way she fits into clothes. Too loose and she seems to be hiding: seclusive. Too tight and she's constricted: bound. She needs to be comfortable in a way that even her face shows it. Flowing like water, but not too fast. Curves that are not hidden and not forced.

Posture, well posture is certainly underrated. The placement of her knees in the front seat of a sports car-relaxed but angled. Her arms wrapped around her chest while waiting for a bus. Her face skyward, waiting for snow. Patient and self assured. Feet drawn up under her thighs on a couch, scrunched up with hot chocolate and a book of short stories.

A woman with the right kind of posture does not wait for you in bed on her back. She is eager-lying on her chest with chin in her hands and ankles crossed above her legs. Her head will be tilted to one side with a Sleepover girl grin on her face. And diamonds in her eyes. For you.