"It's not like I can't feel you still ..."

It is a single line in the song, but it echoes. An acidic double negative about loss. I do not know for sure what she is trying to say, but perhaps she means this:

It is not as if I can no longer feel your presence with me everyday.

If that is the intended sentiment then why not speak more clearly? As thus:

It is true. I can feel you still. Or, otherwise:

It is not as if you are forgotten.

One could, of course, draw the conclusion that the contradictory nature of the phrase is intentional and not just poor grammar. She is both missing him and not-both attached to him and wishing she was not. The bittersweet ambivalence of a lover's bruise. ~ (Or the memory of where a bruise had been).

Were that to be the case, it might sound more like this:

It's not as if I am free of you- I am not. It is not as if your hands are off my body. They are still there, long after they stopped touching me.

She feels him, still. She sings this not in a wistful way, but with a certain amount of dismay- almost self loathing. It is not something she is glad to remember. She wishes it were not so.

Although I wished I no longer felt you - know that I do. I feel you still. As if it were yesterday; as if it was last night. You are gone from my life and yet it is as if you never left at all.

Perplexed in absentia is not the name of the song, but may have been more apropos.

First sentence- single lyric from Strange-Tori Amos