I've never once, in my entire life, made a New Year's Resolution.

I once had a boss whose boss was kind of a bully.  He was a large man, swarthy, and about as wide as tall.  But he'd have been big even if he weren't overweight.  He was built like one of the dwarves in Lord of the Rings, only taller.  He had a very commanding and intimidating presence about him.  Of course, it is easy to be intimidating when you have the power of position over other people like that, but in all fairness, I think everyone found him intimidating including his peers and his superiors.

One time three of us were sitting around a table in the cafeteria: my boss his boss and me.  It was right after the New Year and someone brought up resolutions.  I don't remember what my boss said about it but his boss indicated he'd made a resolution to lose weight.  He then asked me what resolution I made.  I told him I didn't make any resolutions. His response was, "perfect the way your are, eh?".

I had to put up with that kind of crap from him all the time.  The odd part was that he liked me.  I'd hate to have been on his naughty list.  The funny part was he couldn't figure out why I didn't like him.  It's not that I made any overt signals that I didn't like him.  I just pretty much avoided him if I could.  He once asked my wife at an office social event to shed light on the subject, but she couldn't (or wouldn't) help him.

Luckily, before long, another reorganization came along and I was no longer in this man's chain of command.