A model of Nikon 35mm camera, first available in 1977. It is a manual focus, manual metering camera with TTL center-weighted metering. An updated model, Nikon FM2 is still available.

The FM is the first compact bodied Nikon camera. It managed to fit many of the features found in the pro-level Nikon F-series cameras into a small, rugged body.

It utilizes AI-coupled metering, so works best with AI-compatible Nikkor lenses.

It's greatest quality is that it is totally mechanical. Except for the meter, everything works without a battery. Other cameras have a single mechanical backup shutter speed (usually 1/60 sec), but the FM allows all shutter speeds to function without power.

A dedicated winder, MD-11, would automatically wind the camera and film after each shot if attached.

It was available in chrome or black, and a few special models exist (and are worth a lot of money).