In today's paper I read about a Wisconsin woman who was so excited that Trump won that she screamed and fell over--she believes that Trump is her savior, "sent by God to save America from ruin." I couldn't help thinking to myself: "What a fucking idiot!"

I never really cared for Donald Trump; never watched his reality show, and pretty much thought he was just a conceited boor and a gas bag. I also never thought we could have a President that I disliked more than I disliked George W. Bush. Bush was just a buffoon, but I believe Trump is truly corrupt.

Directly from his own mouth he has disparaged women, Mexicans, and Muslims. He has also, in more or less subtle ways, shown antipathy towards Blacks, Homosexuals, and Jewish people. He has fostered hate and violence at his rallies. He is alleged to have sexually assaulted numerous women, and by his own pussy-grabbing admission, I have no cause to doubt these allegations. There is the distinct possibility that he had sex with an underage girl, which would constitute statutory rape, and pretty much condemn him as a pedophile if this is, indeed, true. He's had numerous business failures, literally thousands of lawsuits against him, including the most recent one for his fraudulent Trump University.

And yet he claims to have great ideas--YUGE IDEAS--to Make America Great Again (the fine print on the bottom of the sign should read: "for morally bankrupt, pussy-grabbing bigots)." Unfortunately he doesn't seem to be able to articulate just what those ideas really are, except for building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. Apparently we won't build a wall on the Canadian border--after all, Canadians are mostly just like white Americans with an accent. Of course Canada might build their own wall ...

Trump's rise to power has--with good reason--been compared to that of Hitler in the 1930s, and I can't help wondering if my present feelings of bewilderment and dismay are exactly the same as some people in Germany felt then: "How can so many believe in this clown?" I am dumbfounded that so many people--especially women--voted for him. Is it only the general miasma of fear about terrorism and the economy? If they're looking for Trump to be their hero they will be sadly mistaken. How can one explain the phenomenal success of this snake oil salesman? For many of Trump's supporters, such as the KKK and neo-Nazis, I think Lyndon B. Johnson said it best:

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Many of you may think that I (a female, white, Left-Coast Liberal) am just "butt-hurt" because my candidate didn't win. That is true. But be very clear about this: I truly loathe that man, and fear for what he will do to our country.