Waiting for life to begin, I stood by the edge of the tracks. The train hadn't yet arrived.
"I wonder if everything is OK." I didn't expect the train to be late. The same could not be said of my life.
"When will it be my turn to be happy?" Nothing, no one came along to rescue me from my life. Still I waited.
"Everyone deserves to be happy. Right?" Where were the people who would take me there?
"Are you the right person?" I would ask whenever I met someone. The answers have always been no. They were too wrapped up in their own lives to give me any attention.
"I can't wait anymore, I'm losing my patience." Patience was something I'd relied on for years. It's what got me through the toughest times, lit up my way in the dark.
But it's been too long now. All my classmates had moved on to the next stage of their lives. There I was, still waiting. It was embarrassing.
The train arrived.
I looked at my phone. "Right on time." I put my phone away and boarded, stepping between the doors.