The ability to stand up for yourself is related to confidence. It's also just similar to the circumstances of confidence in general. What I mean by that is that it either comes naturally and you don't have to think about it or it doesn't come naturally at all and it requires herculean effort.

It can be difficult when you're forced to confront reactive people. Disappointed people. Retaliatory people. Those prone to escalate. Those who become vicious and irrational when put on the defensive. Those not good under pressure.

It's a good thing we don't live in an age where people's egos and sense of self are disproportionately inflated by the narcissism enabled by social media and instant gratification culture. It's a good thing people's psyches aren't naturally fragile to begin with, whether or not they've been fractured.

That would make this really difficult.

But of course it's difficult. To find your own path, to find a sense of self. To do well by yourself even if it might upset someone else. To try to address problems with confrontation so that the immediacy of the situation and the immediacy of ones own needs can be worked through, while being able to express yourself emotionally. And just hope to be able to work with someone who can meet you as a warrior instead of as a victim of assault.

Does anyone want to fight me?




233 (but 383 if you count the pipelink text and also these words)