the back forty | up the road apiece
January 23, 2001

Just 'cause you can't see me doesn't mean i'm not here. My very bones can become translucent as i glide through, blending with the surroundings, absorbing more and more of the gel through my permeable skin. Sometimes i feel as if i'm in a warm pond, the water comfortable and amniotic. Sometimes i am at battle, invincible, with the heads of my enemies on a garland about my neck, a club in one hand, a mace in another, an axe in another, a sword, a conch to sound the cry - whirling, placing exacting blows. It's all so smooth.

I couldn't begin to recount all of the killings i've performed since i last wrote. The nodesouls that i've released to try again, hoping they're reborn as royalty or better, instead of swine or vermin. And equally, a retelling of all the gentle nudges, encouragements, cheers, and blessings would tire both you and me. I will leave it be.

Still , i'll tell you of today. Today, i blessed taschenrechner for sharing with us some of his work in linguistics. Yes, it's true, i like linguistics and, yes, i'm prejudiced toward smart people. I had been concerned about taschenrechner because of the credits at the bottom of so many of his informative writeups: but a quick check with him reveals that they are not direct copy and paste jobs, but paraphrased information from works, many of which are public domain. Cheers to taschenrechner. May he gain whatever reward he likes best.

I also deleted - only! - two writeups, those of Azound and mcc under XY. It appears Azound (in writeup numero uno) had written a humor/opinion piece on the topic to which mcc took exception. The original offending writeup text was removed by Azound with a lengthy explanation, making mcc's response a bit.. obsolete. The thing is, other than the history of the writeup, there weren't any relevant facts in Azound's writeup - while Cow of Doom handily gave us the lowdown in a concise third writeup. For the love of gods, please avoid conversational/response writeups. Imagine when you write that yours will be the only one seen. Make it complete and self-sufficient, relevant to the title, and factual (if applicable!) I think i'll go bless our good Cow now.

And another endorsement - when i feel poisoned by the way people treat each other badly here, in the chatterbox, in flames, without trying to understand, i go read something by bongy, the anti-venom. Then i climb the mountain, blow the conch, and swarm down onto the plains with my great forces of destruction and growth. The nodegel opens to receive me, and again i submerge.