This is the skin condition that turned Michael Jackson white. For the most part.

People with Vitiligo develop white spots on their skin because their immune system for some unknown reason attacks their melanocytes, stopping the production of melanin(skin pigment). It's very common, affecting about one out of hundred people. It's genetic, not contagious and is not confined to any particular race or sex. Commonly affected areas of the body are hands, elbows, knees, genitals, area around the mouth and eyes. Often, the depigmentation is symmetrical. Sometimes, though rarer, nearly the entire body's pigment is eliminated. This is called Vitiligo Universalis.

I always thought that skin like this looked really pretty. The contrasting colors are fascinating.

I think I once pissed this guy off on the bus because I was looking at his hands which were dark brown with white splotches. They were very beautiful. He saw me and shot me a dirty look.
Yes, I have a staring problem. :/