Last night I had an opportunity to chat with a friend of mine who recently lost someone that was close to them. She died tragically young, part of the conversation was about how people react to others dying and what kind of coping strategies people use initially but then the topic turned towards life and how people take for granted small yet huge things like being able to walk on their own two feet and breathe air that is not polluted while using the many online resources that are available to them. My friend mentioned that another friend of his has a brother who is autistic and battling cancer. At fourteen he's been through three rounds of chemo, when we were at Children's Hospital we were confident that my daughter would come home and optimistic about her ability to make a full recovery despite hearing that her lab numbers aren't dropping the way that they should.

During this conversation I was on Twitter. Someone I follow there is going through shoulder rehab after an injury, we're friends on Facebook and I wish more people would have this guy's mentality. The other day he made a comment about Some ECards being another platform for people to complain and that really struck me as insightful. Normally I think they're funny but now I can see that a lot of them are negative in nature. For much of my life I've had notions that I or other people can't do certain things. In reality, most people can play baseball or write a book or learn to fly, they just aren't willing to invest whatever it would take or make sacrifices to turn their goal into an achievement. Few people start out as naturally gifted and even those that are can refine and hone their skills to make themselves better.

There are many things I can do and could be doing. Right now, I have to figure out where my energies are going to be most fulfilling and rewarding. Last year at this time, I was a physical and emotional wreck. This year, I'm more physically fit and that has a lot to do with how I feel about life in general. Yesterday, I was really upset until I went for a bike ride. I did half of my yoga video and I didn't time it right so I couldn't finish it, but I learned something from that - I need ways to relax. I need to find ways to have fun and I want people in my life that I can share mutual interests with which is why I think Twitter works so well for me. It can be frustrating at times but it's also a great way to meet new people who have passions similar to yours.

My dream was strange last night. An E2 member was part of it. For some reason this person and I were traveling together, I had the impression that we were teachers or educators of some sort but I'm not really sure why I think that. We were in a room with these other women, he left and then I was alone for a while. Something happened right before we left, the dream scene changed and I didn't see him again after that. The next thing I remember is being in a car that might have been the one I actually drive. A guy was standing next to my window, I didn't see him at first but I could see that his car was parked next to mine. In real life this guy is really tall, he was in my dream too. He reached through my window, our hands touched and he said something but I don't know what it was. When I woke up, I remembered that part of the dream, it made me feel secure and safe and internally warm. It probably isn't trying to tell me anything but I wish I knew what I had done to conjure up that scenario so I could hit that dream replay button on evenings like the one I had last night.