This morning I woke up early and drove from the condo back to the house to see the girls. It was my first night away and it was hard, but we all survived. My daughter's iPad won't charge, I'm having the same problem with my phone. She was sobbing about it when I came back to get my toothbrush. I hadn't really planned on spending the night, in a way it was good that it was so suddenly sprung on everyone although I still cried when I had to say goodbye to Jill and Jane. I couldn't sleep last night which is probably not too terribly shocking. It was so cold that I finally got up and turned up the heat to 65 even though I'm trying to be mindful of the money. There's no sense in being so cold you're unable to sleep when you're under layers of covers, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, scarf, and winter hat. Hardwood flooring is great, but it isn't as warm under the feet as carpeting is and the condo is very box-like as a structure with high ceilings upstairs so a lot of heat goes up and gets wasted.

My bed is in the dining room because we still need to install flooring upstairs. Someone smokes and the smell leaks out into the hallway and seeps through my walls. I woke up with some tightness in my chest and a longing for the cleaner air at home. I've been putting off transplanting some houseplants and that's moved up on my priority list as they will help clean the air over there. It's actually somewhat cozy having my bed and table right next to each other. I could easily live on the lower level of the condo which makes me think that perhaps in the future I could get a roommate. There are downsides to roommates, but there are upsides too. I don't want to do anything right away, but it's something in the back of my mind that would help cut costs, give me some companionship, and maybe help another person who needs a place to stay. Last night we had a talk about the future. Maybe someday I'll write more about what happens when you bury your head in the sand. He's gone and all it took was him signing a sheet of paper that would convert our separation into a divorce so I guess I don't have to worry about an attorney after all which is shame on me. 

He met a woman on an online dating site. It hurt to hear that. She's thirty-eight and owns her own business. 


Just lost a couple of paragrahs that I had typed and I need to get going so this is goodbye for now. Lots on my mind and things that I'm going to act on today...