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  • nine kittens and I could never find the last two. I realized I hadn't seen them in days and they were probably dead and I would find their bodies any minute, curled up stiff under a shirt in a corner. A wave of sick horror went through me. The kittens showed up just before I was let out of the dream.

  • a gray stone castle, the drawbridge was going down, I kept shouting up to the princess to quit lowering it, everyone wasn't out yet and someone was going to wind up crushed. I had left my camera upstairs and had to scale the wall. Later I left it again and asked Brannon to go get it but he was busy so I ran up the escalator between cool stone walls.

  • living in the airport was tiresome because I never felt like I was home and I couldn't remember where anything was.

  • a surprising lack of fear when I was touched