"Involution" can refer to a particular type of map on an algebra. If A is an algebra (roughly, a vector space equipped with a "sensible" multiplication -- see here for an axiomatic definition), then a map *: A -> A is called an involution on A when it satisfies the conditions below. Regarding the notation: these maps are usually denoted by superscripts, so that a* means "star of a", and is commonly pronounced "a star". The defining characteristics of an involution are that, for all elements a and b of A, we have:
1. (a+b)* = a* + b*

2. (ka)* = k*a*   (here k is an arbitrary scalar, so k* denotes complex conjugation)

3. (ab)* = b*a*

4. (a*)* = a

Some of the most common examples should be mentioned: the complex numbers form an algebra with involution given by the complex conjugate; the algebra of square complex matrices has an involution given by the conjugate transpose; and the adjoint map on the algebra of bounded operators on Hilbert space is an involution.