As an update to my earlier CrushLink adventure, I checked the mailboxes of my dummy hotmail accounts. Well, most of them had expired because I added the auto-confirmation code only after I'd created most of them, but some had stuck because I confirmed the manually. The first one was full of spam. "Right, now we see their true skin", I thought, but then I realized this was the account I had signed up to the so-called "T-shirt news" 'service', and true enough, all of the spam was sent by "J a n e", same one who sent me the joining notice to this news service. Yes, CrushLink made me sign up in exchange for another hint which I find pretty unethical, but still, I'm impressed; apparently neither (CL or T-Shirt news) had [yet] sold those e-mails to spamlists. Then again, the dummy address I used as my potential "crush" (snigger) never confirmed its existence to the homesite, and as for spam to my real address, it's hard to distinguish it from all the other spam I get. I have to admit though, it's pretty impressive that I've gotten maybe 6 or 7 exact copies of the "Get your .sex domain name today!" "optional mailing-list" (I'd snigger but I'm too pissed off at such dishonesty).

In related news, maybe week or two ago I made a web search on a girl's name. I feel such a stalker now. It yielded one hit too, on a page about skolt sami national dresses. I still feel guilty about it.

Meanwhile, my usual daily schedule carries from day to day to day to... I'm still almost as addicted to alpha centaur as ever. Before the summer, I decided that if I can't have a life, I'll spend my summer doing something constructive. I signed up for mathematics matriculation examination on autumn though it has questions about areas we haven't studied yet, thinking I'd figure them out on my own in summertime. Haven't yet opened the book; maybe I should start soontimes? I have maybe a little over a month to study the three courses (4.5 months). Oh, and how about that swedish? The thing is, no matter how bored I am, studying always seems worse, even if it's studying something I like (such as maths). I wonder why is that. I've enjoyed reading Gödel, Escher, Bach: Eternal Golden Braid and The Blind Watchmaker, though both are so heavy on information they could serve as textbooks for mathematics and biology, respectively. Are 'real' textbooks really so boring or is it that they don't 'feel' fun because they are textbooks? Ah well. I'll have to get a grip some day...