David Halberstam made his name in American journalism writing about the Vietnam War. In 1964 he won a Pulitzer Prize for his war coverage while working for the New York Times.

Halberstam then hit the bestseller lists in 1972 with The Best and the Brightest. It chronicled in detail the U.S. involvement in Vietnam concentrating on the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.

Every book Halberstam has written since has landed on the bestseller lists. His books are large sweeping views of his subject - meticulously detailed and researched.

Halberstam was born in the Bronx in 1934 and makes his home in New York City.

The books of David Halberstam

The Noblest Roman (1961)
The Making of a Quagmire (1965)
En Route to Nowhere (1968)
The Unfinished Odyssey of Robert Kennedy(1969)
The Best and the Brightest (1972)
The Powers That Be (1979)
The Breaks of the Game (1981)
The Amateurs(1985)
The Reckoning (1986)
The Summer of '49 (1989)
The Next Century (1991)
The Fifties (1993)
October 1964 (1994)
The Children (1998)
Playing for Keeps(1999)
War In A Time Of Peace(2001)