• Autumn, planting jonquils, moving a Teracotta pond to the navel of my front yard veggie garden. It is surrounded by spinach seedlings and some beardy thyme. Soon it will probably just be a high point in an Anathem tangle.
  • Dug up a eucalypt seedling from the driveway and potted it. Hoping it will survive the shock so that we can start guerilla gardening our park.
  • I have a small oak tree from an acorn at my Nana's house. It has outgrown it's pot and is also waiting for me to get brave enough to venture across the road with a shovel.
  • On the weekend Kim and I collected timber from Jenni's yard and adopted a cast iron bath. We have had a couple of tries at getting it level under the rain water tank outlet, but need to have another go (now that we have a spirit level). Polly swims even now in the chill of Autumn. We have an old cattle trough that she squidges into, but it is divided in two, so the full bath will be much more luxurious.
  • I went to a gardening and environmental evening with my mother and sister. A Squirrel Glider, looking much like a Sugar Glider but about the size of a Ringtail Possum climbed on my coat and made me wonder if I could be a fauna rescue person. The Ringtails at the event were happily munching on rose petals. I remember that my mother's espaliered yellow roses are also headless due to possums. We have stoic old roses along the back fence so have some first resources for possum rescue.
  • I am scouting through Jenni's backyard forest for a nice straight branch. She has her pots and pans lofted over her bench on a hanging branch and I think it could be a nifty way to save some space for table cloths and teatowels and such. I remember seeing an elaborate lofted pan array in the film Color Purple, but think a single stick solution is about my size.
  • Found a moth's transitional sarcophagus in the park.
  • Kim and I sat on the front step with hot drinks, a lad came to the door promoting Save the Children. I am thinking of potting up herbs for their fundraising shop.
  • Tomorrow is International Midwives Day. I would like to write something supportive. Midwives are getting a hell time in Australia at the moment. Kudos to New Zealand healthcare system which is much more supportive of women who want to birth at home and have midwife support.
  • Watching people in a WIPO mail list considering ideas such as 'self-piracy' makes my head hurt.