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The Celtic Cross is one of the oldest and most popular spreads for reading the tarot. Part of its endurance is the simplicity of the spread.

There are two sections to the spread, the Cross (6 cards) on the left and the staff (4 cards) on the right. The Cross itself is made up of two crosses - a central one with two cards that is nested within the larger cross of 6 cards. The central cross represents the heart of the matter, around which the rest turns.

  1. "That which covers you" - the surrounding circumstances and the immediate problem at hand.
  2. "That which crosses you" - the contrary element.
  3. "That which is beneath you" - The root and source of the problem.
  4. "That which is behind you" - Something that is losing importance in life - a fading concern.
  5. "What could come into bearing" - the aspirations, intent, and expectations.
  6. "That which is before you" - The future, coming focus.
  7. "What you are" - how you see yourself.
  8. "How others see you" - public opinion, assigned role.
  9. "Your fears" - what you're afraid of, suspect is true, avoiding.
  10. "The final outcome" - the most likely result, and what may come to pass.