The way of the stones (ishi = stone; -do = the way of)

The board for ishido is a 12 x 8 board. The tiles for playing consist of 6 colors and 6 symbols - each combination occurs twice for a total of 72 tiles. 6 tiles are placed in the corners and middle of the board (shown below). Some versions mandate that the 6 tiles have all 6 colors and symbols, others don't.

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  • Each tile must be placed so that it touches at least one other tile that has already been played.
  • When the tile touches: (scoring from kishido)
    1. Must match color or symbol. (Score 1)
    2. Must match color of one and symbol of the other (Score 2)
    3. Must match color of two and symbol of third, or or symbol of two and color of third (score 4)
    4. Must match color of two and symbol of other two (score 33)
  • The outside most ring of squares scores no points for any matches made. (marked with '.' above)

While every spot is not filled up (92 spots vs 72 tiles), it does take careful consideration and planning with each step of the way to make certain un-usable spaces do not form while at the same time building for four way matches.