This is one of the notorious images generated by manipulating individual atoms using an STM (scanning tunneling microscope). The logo is a series of xenon atoms on a nickel surface. It was developed at the fine nanoscience laboratory at IBM.

The image is here:

If you're looking at it, note that all of those little ridges on the grey surface are the tops of individual nickel atoms. They look melted together because the STM cannot sense the depth between atoms correctly. To be more accurate, the tunneling current runs mostly from the tip of one atom to the tip of another. At the lower points, though, the tip is closer to the surface and more current "leaks" to adjacent atoms rather than where it's supposed to be going, so your resolution isn't as good.

Also, xenon atoms are not actually that much larger than nickel atoms. It's just that the close-packed nickel atoms share a lot of their electrons (collectively called the electron sea), so by contrast the well-defined electron shell of xenon stands out.

Another of the fun things you can do with physics...