Squornshellous Swamptalk is a fictional dictionary of words relating to the mattresses from the swamps of Squornshellous Zeta. It is briefly mentioned in Douglas Adams' The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, the second book in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.

I don't have the original dictionary handy, as it won't be written for a few million years yet, but I've listed those I came across while reading about it. Since most of these words defy a wholesome and earthly description, I have included a brief citation from the book (in italics), to help clarify how it is used.

flollop (v.)

    Jump around, in an excited kind of way.

    He flolloped around in astonishment and alarm.

flur (v.)

flurble (n.)

    A sympathetic gesture, sigh or comment.

    "Consider it made, my dear friend," flurbled the mattress, "consider it made."

    (...) and with another quiet flurble he did so.

floopily (adv.)

    In the manner of something which is floopy.

floopy (adj.)

globber (v.)

    This is the noise made by a live, swamp-dwelling mattress that is deeply moved by a story of personal tragedy. It could be an equivalent to a gasp.

glurry (v.)

    The equivalent of getting goosebumps or a shiver when getting excited or thrilled by something.

    Water spattered off it as a thrill glurried across its back.

gup (v.)

    Mattesses gup when they are excited. Could be related to glurry and willomy.

lurgle (v.)

quirrule (v.)

    To ask or question in a mattresslike manner.

    "A bridge?" quirruled the mattress. "Here in the swamp?"

vollue (v.)

    Douglas Adams says "For the meaning of the word "vollue", buy a copy of Squornshellous Swamptalk at any remaindered bookshop, (...)". Its usage appears to be equivalent to "say".

    "I sense a deep dejection in your diodes," it vollued, "and it saddens me."

    We live quiet retired lives in the swamp, where we are content to flollop and vollue and regard the wetness in a fairly floopy manner.'

voon (v.)

    Something mattresses say (or wurf) when they are emotionally moved by something, in both a positive and negative manner. In some contexts it can be compared to our "Wow".

    "It seems to me," said the mattress eyeing it compassionately, "that it is a pretty poor sort of leg."
    "You are right," said Marvin, "it is."
    "Voon," said the mattress.
    "I expect so," said Marvin.

willomy (v.)

    See glurry.

    It willomied along its entire length, sending excited little ripples through its shallow algae-covered pool.

wurf (v.)

    To say or utter. Mattresses are known to wurf "Voon" when commenting on something profound;

    "Voon," it wurfed at last. "And it was a magnificent occasion?"

I think I got them all, but should you come across any unlisted ones, feel free to /msg me, or add a writeup below.