I SCREWED UP! The title was meant to be "Hello E2, what are you?". Still a bit confusing to me, but hey, i think i've got it now.

Well well well, here I am. Completely lost, at half past midnight (update, 1AM), figuring out what this new intriguing, niche website can be about.

Niche things like this have always fascinated me. There is this distinct "human touch" to said niche things that I can't really put my finger on. Nothing like you would find on any other internet medium, like bland, rage-inducing Facebook, cookie-crisp Instagram, mind-numbing TikTok, time-consuming YouTube, loud and hateful Twitter and so on. All these sites always seemed completely fake to me. Soulless, if you will.

But alas, like a pearl in the infinite dumpster, this site shines. I entered it with confusion accompanied by this rare fascination, as if i had just discovered a new dimension. At first, it looked to me like one of these old forums that were booming before i was born (or even planned, for that matter). But oh boy was i surprised when i found many new entries, while still trying to figure out how to navigate this weird place.

Still, maybe it'd be worth telling a bit about myself: I am a Polish college student who plays guitar, piano and sings, writes his songs and poems. Working a half-time, boring call center job, creating is one way to escape reality (original, i know...). To be completely honest, i wouldn't be surprised if this was my last post here, because i tend to start new things without ever finishing them. But maybe one day i'll remember about this site again and return to this very writeup (in which case: hello, future me!).

Maybe i'll put up some of my recent stuff here, heck, if there are people reading and reviewing, maybe i could actually improve after all?

That's it, i believe. I hope that maybe i will stay active and not forget about this peculiar webiste. To whoever read this, have a nice day.

How's that for a first writeup?