Well this is fun. My folks finally got broadband. Cable modem to be precise... It used to be coming up here meant that I pretty much got cut off from the world, but now... well it's nice. You know how broadband is;)

I should write more. I feel it slipping away. Time was that I majored in lit (ok English, then lit, then journalism) and I could write my freaking tail off. Do you need 500 words on a given subject? Done and done and within 50 words w/out even trying. Of course at that point I was writing for publication everyday as a sports reporter for a small daily newspaper (the Clinton Herald if you must know). Now I'm lazy. I'm lucky if I turn out a few words a week. Hell, I even quit noding -- of course that was more for political reasons.

I ran into a buddy of mine the other day. He's got four unpublished novels under his belt. Without commenting on the quality of his work let's just say it's coherent. He's not Fitzgerald, but then neither was Fitzgerald. He's put butt in chair and pen to paper for well over 2000 pages of readable material. I'm so jealous. Oh well...