You've gotta understand: hearts and eyes and hands wouldn't do you one bit of good in that janked up place, that's absolutely not like our place. Take blood. Blood is probably gonna just slide through solid walls, and you might as well forget about it carrying oxygen properly. Light won't behave properly to make images, not the kind that you would ever recognize, not that our brains could make out, anyway. And as for the brains, they might have a chance of running on some different hardware over there. I mean, simple minds can. What's the rush with hauling your doomed ass over there?

Let's start with something a lot less complicated, like your phone. Phones can hear vibrations like sound, they can play them back. They can usually see too (but remember what we said about light). We'll drop it down the ungodly hole on a tough string, really stout cord, and see what happens. We'll haul that sucker back and then you and I can decide whether we want to end up the way it did. Don't pretend you know anything about fourth and fifth dimensions. You're just spouting some theory that'll get you on the news programs until somebody tries it and goes splat. Then you'll be on those programs for the wrong reasons. So are we aligned? No hands, no eyes, no hearts, not on this go-round. Let's drop something shiny in on a line and hope there's nothing there that wants to bite.