Either I am too sensitive, too aware, or too medicated but I hear music everywhere I go except while flossing my teeth, slumbering, or emptying grocery bags although depending on the time of day, deliberate song selections are played over loud loudspeakers according to statistics on which demographic is or is not dancing down the aisles of every store in the land.

I've often thought they should play something enticing, something iconic in the parking lots as well, something rousing and patriotic, a call to arms, legs, and wallets, full of cash, credit cards, debit cards but not bitcoins nor ethereum, nor lastly litecoin. One not so small problem, in my opinion, that my proposed scenario presents is basically ethnic. The music would and should appeal to all, for example America the Beautiful would not go over in Russia, nor vice versa, but I'm getting beyond the scope of my experience, so I'll stick to the USA, which leads me to wonder why I woke up singing ...The sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home... with a twinge of sadness AS IF I ONCE HAD A HOME IN KENTUCKY.

I've already tried to think of places where there is no music, in order of daily events, but alas starting with morning showers, who among us does not or has never sung in the shower? You can't really sing and brush teeth properly at the same time however you can hear in your head The Beatles brightly belting out ...Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite, there will be a show tonight on trampoline...

Getting dressed, there's always Mister Roger's Sweater Song or perhaps your phone rings, the ringtone being a few notes from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. You might dress a bit more like a cowboy or cowgirl than planned and glancing at yourself in the mirror wearing a yellow and black bandanna, slip easily into ...Round her neck, she wore a yellow ribbon...she wore it in the springtime and in the month of May...

...Movin' right along in search of good times and good news with good friends you can't lose...unleashes a multitude of musical melodies, hymns, ditties and musical numbers of which our collective minds have been filled to overflowing. Somewhere there's a scientific explanation for this phenomenon of infernal snippets of songs seemingly on some play list out of our conscious control.

Not to mention but I will, The Moonlight Sonata made me do many a daredevilish deed, alternatively energized by Beethoven's 9th, Pettersen's 6th, and The Overture for the War of 1812, which makes one wonder why there is no Overture for Afghanistan, no Symphony for Syria, no Prelude to Pakistan. I daresay no one wants to read about war music that does not yet exist on Sunday or Saturday night or on Mothers Day when you could be singing...Be kind to your web-footed friends, for a duck might be somebody's mother...

***(This came after several discussions with my sons, who have different music in their heads. Please feel free to add whatever musical memories or songs find their way into your heads. Caution: it's contagious but fun, unlike measles, mumps, rubella or chicken pox.)