Also a good short novel by Lawrence Durrell.

There is a book on the subject by a Catholic scholar, The Legend of Pope Joan: in search of the truth by Peter Stanford (Holt, 1999). Stanford is a serious scholar who set out to debunk the "legend" once and for all, but ended up believing that it was true. One review says, "Unable to prove conclusively that Joan and her papacy existed, he is nevertheless able to present a remarkably credible and convincing case on her behalf."

Since he is a published and reputable pro-RC scholar, he was given access to many Vatican documents and artifacts, and claims to have seen and sat in the chair described above, and he described how it was different from the below-mentioned "Roman toilet".

And btw, perhaps Segnbora-t recalls Benedict III coming quickly up the stairs, but I was not around back then, so I can't be as sure.