Manutius, the Latin name of an Italian family (Mannucci, Manuzio), famous in the history of printing as organizers of the Aldine press.

The biographies of the important members of this family are included as follows; Aldus Manutius, Senior (1450-1515) the founder of the Aldine press, the youngest of his three sons Paulus Manutius (1512-1574) and Aldus Manutius, Junior (1547-1597) son of Paulus.

See Renouard's Annales de l'imprimerie des Aldes (Paris, 1834) Didot's Aide Manuce (Paris, 1873) ; Omont's Catalogue of Aldine publications (Paris, 1892). (J.A.S.)

Extracted from the entry for MANUTIUS in the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, the text of which lies within the public domain.