Just in time for American Thanksgiving, here is a yummy recipe for yams. This is admittedly a short writeup because it is a simple recipe, dagnabbit. Trust me, this stuff is melt-in-your-mouth good.

3 large Garnet yams, peeled
1 teaspoon, canola oil
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 teaspoon, dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon, nutmeg
1 teaspoon, sea salt
1/2 cup, coconut milk

Boil the yams until they are soft. Drain them for 5 minutes. While they are draining, saute the garlic and thyme in the oil until the garlic is a nice garlic brown. Combine the garlic mixture in a large bowl with the yams and the remaining ingredients. Mash everything with a hand mixer or potato masher until the mixture is smooth. Add more coconut milk if you want a creamier texture.

This is a very tasty vegan side dish, and is especially suited for the holidays.