Here's an alternate and simpler recipe if you have a Ninja 7-in-1 Creami or the deluxe model.

You will need


  1. Combine heavy whipping cream, milk, and instant pudding mix into the bowl.
  2. Whisk until the pudding mix has broken up, and then some. I'd estimate around 5-6 minutes; this is one of those recipies where it'll still taste just as good if you eyeball it.
  3. When complete, pour it into the pint container. Put on lid and freeze for at least a day*
  4. Actually, if you want to add any extra SOLID toppings, wait until it's about to freeze solid and quickly mix them in and then shove it back in the freezer before it thaws again. This'll help keep it spread throughout.
  5. Take solidified ice cream out of the freezer. Put the pint container into your Ninja godsend-machine. If you have any liquid toppings, add them now.
  6. Use Ice Cream button. Use it again if it's not soft enough.
  7. Take it out, and enjoy right from the container! Freeze it if you don't finish it.

This is a pretty easy way to make a nice ice cream treat, however I do suspect that if you're careful enough and smart about the shape of container you freeze it in you could potentially use a regular ol' blender. Here's how I think that might go:

  1. continue until
  2. step 3
  3. Pour into a tall container of some kind, one that will fit in your blender and make contact with the blades. Preferably not glass, and something that it's easy to heat up. Metal is your best candidate if you can find something like that.
  4. Add solid toppings.
  5. Put in freezer for a day.
  6. Take out of freezer. Heat container as evenly as possible, just enough to slide the ice cream out and into the blender.
  7. Blend slowly and carefully; you might have a milkshake on your hands if you overdo it. If this does happen, you could probably just freeze it a bit and eat it later, though.
  8. Pour ice cream out of blender. 
  9. Enjoy responsibly.

If you do use either of these recipes, let me know how they come out!