Although 80% of epileptics feel a significant decrease in symptoms through the use of medication and other therapies, there can still be side effects that may not be apparent or immediately associated with the epileptic condition. these include:

Behavioral and Emotional Problems
  • social problems due to ostracism from peers
  • embarassment and frustration due to the occurance of seizures and specific events such as loss of control of the bladder and bowels.
  • poor self esteem
  • depression

Conveniences and Recreation
  • Loss of drivers license -- the laws vary from state to state (and soon i'll gather all the information and put it into everything) as to how epileptics and the ability to drive is handled. in some states, doctors are required by law to report seizures to the DMV, in other states the doctor may use his or her own judgement as to whether or not the condition requires notification and suspension of the drivers license. As well, once seizure activity has been reported, the epileptic must go for a minimum amount of time without a seizure before they may get their license back. this time period varies from several months to several years.
  • there are some activities with are not recommended for epileptics to partake in at all and some that would require supervision. many sky diving facilities will not let epileptics jump. swimming is not recommended without someone with you.

Educational and Work-Related
  • It is not legal to deny an epileptic a job based on his or her condition, however there are some jobs which common sense dictates are not recommended for the epileptics. The United States Military will not accept epileptics into active duty.
  • Both children and adults tend to feel memory loss and lack of concentration as a side effect of most anti-convulsant medications and this can have a significant impact on both school and work.
Epilepsy and Childbirth