user since
Sun May 19 2002 at 02:39:19 (22.4 years ago )
last seen
Mon Nov 6 2006 at 13:58:17 (18 years ago )
number of write-ups
25 - View pao's writeups (feed)
level / experience
2 (Acolyte) / 318
mission drive within everything
Complete XP Stoicism (Levels? What are those?)
If everything goes to plan: aerospace engineering and Georgia Tech
Georgia Institute of Technology/Georgia Tech Research Institute
"Nulla tenaci invia est via." ("With tenacity, no road is impassible.")
most recent writeup
Elliptical planform
Send private message to pao

Current e2 noding mode: Writeup editing. Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback. Editing is in progress, I'm likely to touch pretty much everything I wrote in some way or another. All the stricken text removed... I'm on airfoil or somewhere very close. I've not been on but once or twice a month, just to check messages, but I plan on making my return soon. Excuse from spring semester '03 removed. Seriously. I will. Just you wait.

I am an aerospace engineering student at Georgia Tech. I am currently studying under the coop plan and working for Georgia Tech Research Institute at the Cobb County Research Facility (CCRF) near NAS Atlanta in Smyrna, GA. More info on the joys of ATAS (Aerospace, Transportation, and Advanced Systems) will come under that node when I get around to creating it.

It is my policy to /msg the author for every vote I give. Even if it's just to say, "Good job." If I downvote, details will be given.

Milestone: 100 XP. Earned 10-29-2002 by E2 Trillian Plugin. Next milestone: Level 2, 6 writeups to go as of that date.
Milestone: Level 2. Earned 11-4-2002 by Elliptical planform. 120 XP immediately following submission.

'I solemnly covenant that at least 90% of my writeups shall be factual writeups'

E2 User Statistics
Nodes:   25      XP:       223     Cools:      9
Max Rep: 27      Min Rep:  5       Total Rep:  343
Node-Fu: 8.92    WNF:      18.32   Cool Ratio: 36%
Merit:   12.6    Devotion: 315     Mean:       13.72
idea: 52%  place: 4%  thing: 44%  

Top 5 Writeups with the Highest Reputation
1.) E2 Trillian Plugin 1C!
2.) Georgia Institute of Technology
3.) Swept wing 1C!
3.) Lift-to-drag ratio 1C!
4.) Synthetic jet 1C!
5.) lift coefficient 1C!
5.) Force balance 1C!
5.) trailing edge

Top 5 Writeups with the Lowest Reputation
M Train (.1
1C! Flap (.2
Continuity equation (.2
GT number (.3
EADS (.3
planform area (.3
Induced drag (.3
airfoil (.3
inviscid (.4
Kutta-Joukowski lift theorem (.4
d'Alembert's Paradox (.5

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Number of Votes
1.) E2 Trillian Plugin 1C!
2.) Georgia Institute of Technology
3.) Swept wing 1C!
3.) Lift-to-drag ratio 1C!
4.) Synthetic jet 1C!
5.) lift coefficient 1C!
5.) Force balance 1C!
5.) trailing edge

Top 5 Writeups with the Least Number of Votes
1C! Flap (.1
Continuity equation (.1
Induced drag (.2
airfoil (.2
inviscid (.3
Kutta-Joukowski lift theorem (.3
EADS (.3
planform area (.3
d'Alembert's Paradox (.4
M Train (.4
glide slope (.5
GT number (.5

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Upvotes
1.) E2 Trillian Plugin 1C!
2.) Georgia Institute of Technology
3.) Swept wing 1C!
3.) Lift-to-drag ratio 1C!
4.) Synthetic jet 1C!
5.) lift coefficient 1C!
5.) Force balance 1C!
5.) trailing edge

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Downvotes
1C! E2 Trillian Plugin (.1
M Train (.2
GT number (.3
EADS (.4
planform area (.4

These lists were generated by in10se's E2 Link and Logger Client at 1/28/2003 22:49:33

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This graph was created by in10se's E2 Link and Logger Client at 1/28/2003 22:49:33