Deepdwn (formerly Jotdwn) is a markdown syntax text editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux. It has some special features, such as adding tags, categories, inline Markdown rendering.

What makes Deepdwn particularly powerful, in my opinion, is its organization. Like many IDEs have project file-tree management, you can import a folder into Deepdwn that allows you to edit, view, and navigate through a file tree on a sidebar. You can add subdirectories, view various hierarchies of organization, etc. What's even more powerful, however, is that you can add category and tag custom metadata that allows you to further sort your notes.

There is inline markdown rendering, which means ###heading will display as h3 within the software, ==highlight== will display highlighted, etc. You can turn if off if you like. In addition, you can hide the sidebar and just have the editor in view by clicking a little lotus-blossom icon on the top and entering "zen mode". Just like any good markdown editor, it allows you to export your entire file as HTML. Your headings, bolds, bullet points, etc. will all be rendered in HTML. It's really quite nifty.

This software cost $12 USD and I consider it to be one of my better purchases. I use it every day for note taking. Before Deepdwn, I was using Atom (may it rest in peace) and plain text. It wasn't the worst, but, my God, markdown is so much better.


// Brevity Quest 2023