
C·                   ·B
Pierre de Fermat first gave the problem, "Find the point in a triangle where the sum of its distances to the three vertices is minimal". Torricelli is credited with being the first to find a solution to this problem.

Torricelli's Method Begins by making the equilateral triangle of 2 of the 3 points and X, where angle AC intersects XC at C, and AB intersects XB at B.

C·                   ·B

Circumscribe a circle containing points C, B, and X (no, i'm not about to try and draw all of this in ascii).

   _.--`"¯     ¯"`._ 
C·`                 `·B 

Point S exists where line AX intersects the circle containing points CBX.
       \  _____              
   _.--·"¯     ¯"`._ 
C·`    \S           `·B 