the world really is a dope place to live in... pros are that there's oxygen... this shit is KEY to the fucking human combustion engine... without it, we are FUCK-ED.  there is no living without that fucking O2 shit in teh air... they have lots of it at like the good amount.... unfortunately though burning shit fucking adds o2 to solids and maeks CO2... co2 is basically shit and it's like fucked burned up oxygen that's like schwaggy with a fuckin carbon atom on it......

anyways earth✧ also got a lot of that good nitrogen✧ on it too which is like crucial for fuckin proteins✧ and shit apparently and like organic molecules... so basically it's like totally correct that nitrogen is just like random assed fuckin spheres... might as well be green like they are in molecular diagrams.... these fuckin elements are crucial and we taken em for granted... like they are literally in fucking everything... but they are essential to fucking life... but what does the average person fuckign know about nitrogen? nothing. they dont know the fuck whether it's N2 or just N like a gas... they d on't know the specific gravity or the deltas of phase changes or nothing... same with anybody that even knows those things... they dont just have fucking pure nitrogen and experiment on it to determine its properties... you dont merely have people that have sat around and tried reacting nitrogen with every single configuration of matter that exists in every possible way.... thus people dont truly fucking understand nitrogen.... facts bro. y'all thought your world view made sense... guess what, nothing makes any sense.... all the world is based on chemical transmutations that we take for granted... the geometry of nuclear physics and molecules results in the slightly gelatinous reality that we live in... with dirt on the ground, trees everywhere, bunch of fucking rocks, water in some areas, fucking sun all the way the fuck where it's actually at, moon and shit, just fucking nothing the fuck else around other than the planets nearby... fucking life man that's what's going on..... so yeah anyways nitrogen is fucking heady and so is carbon and these elements are dope but so is fuckin hydrogen... that shit is around the fuck in air and shit too probably... maybe not...? fuck yo hydrogen is so small it's almost like fuckin electrons... got damn.... world is so fuckin classic... hydrogen is like an element... but it IS the fucking building blocks of the other elements... fuckin classic... (つ*ᴥ*)つ*:・゚✧